It consists of approximately 6,500 volumes of historical, theological, philosophical, legal, medicinal and other context, which the Typaldou-Iakovatou family donated to the Greek State along with the building. The largest part of the collection has been categorized under the ab National Centre of Documentation 5.5 program. The collection includes a significant number of pamphlets and texts regarding the Ionian Islands.
The AmilkaAlivizatou Collection
It consists of approximately 8,500 titles of books, which the Professor of Theology of the University of Athens, the academic AmilkaAlivizatos (1887-1969) donated to the Library. The majority of the books are of a theological context and a large part refers to ancient Greek literature and the ecclesiastic period that followed. For the readers? convenience, a Catalogue exists which the Centre of Neoclassical Research ?Amilka S. Alivizatou Library ? Catalogue, supervised by Dimitra Sk. Pikramenou?, Athens 1973, has been issued.
The brothers Spiros and FotisLambiri Collection
It consists of approximately 500 volumes of medicinal context which were given to the Library by the two brothers, SpirosLambiris, Professor of Surgery at the University of Athens and FotisLambiris, gastrologist. The material has not been categorized.
The SpirosLoverdos Collection
It includes approximately 2,000 volumes of general interest, with an emphasis on economics, which were donated along with the elegant furniture (desk, bookcases) by the heirs of the economist SpirosLoverdos. The collection has not been categorized.
Smaller collections, but not less significant, are those of Destouni, Kolenti, Kefala, and others.
Lending Library ? Reading Room
In the lending section of the Iakovateio Library there are approximately 30,000 titles of books of general interest.
Public Centre of Information
Under the 3rd Community Support Program?s Occupational Program ?A Community of Information?, a Public Data Centre was created at Iakovateio Library, with the co-ordination of the Ministry of Education, its aim being the reinforcement of the informative role of the Library as well as the broadening of its services in informational issues through the internet.
Because of the destruction of a large part of the material due to the earthquakes in 2014, the Centre is not in operation.
Mobile Library
Under the occupational program Educational Business Program ? Initial Professional Instruction part 2.1 and function 2.1 3b ?Reinforcement of Libraries? deed ?Support of the Educational Action of the PublicCentral Library of Lixouri, Creation of a Mobile Library?, a mobile unit (book van) is in operation which visits the suburban schools of primary and secondary education in Kefalonia and it lends books and optical acoustic entertaining and educational material to students and teachers.